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We often hear about the benefits of spending time outdoors in nature, connecting with our planet. When we allow it, connecting with our planet allows us to disconnect from our often-tumultuous inner worlds, slow down, and find inner peace. This can be particularly beneficial for those who struggle to find such an inner peace going about their daily lives. 

One of the most accessible benefits of connecting with our planet is attained through grounding, or “earthing.” Grounding refers to direct skin contact with the surface of the Earth. This can be with bare feet, hands, the back, etc. 

Grounding is said to be very healthy for the body. While accounts on grounding have existed across various cultures from around the world, it is only in recent years that this phenomenon has been studied scientifically. Some of the many reported benefits in these peer-reviewed scientific studies are:

  • reducing pain and inflammation in the body
  • reducing red blood cell clumping (good for cardiovascular health)
  • improving the body’s immune response (decrease in white blood cells)
  • accelerating wound healing
  • improving sleep
  • reducing stress

The reported benefits of grounding are believed to be the result of the Earth’s natural electric energy influencing our bioelectrical bodies when we get in direct contact with it. 

Grounding for as little as half an hour per day is claimed to be enough time to start reaping the benefits of this natural practice. 

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